Kotak Strategic Situations India Fund II, managed by Kotak Alternate Asset Managers, has invested ₹940 crore in Neuberg Diagnostics to support its expansion strategy. This investment aims to accelerate Neuberg’s inorganic growth and strengthen its market position in India’s diagnostic sector.
Founded by industry veteran GSK Velu, Neuberg has grown into a key player with over 10,000 touchpoints and 250 labs across 250 cities. The company holds a strong market presence in Gujarat and Karnataka and has positioned itself as the second-largest genomics provider in India. It is particularly recognized for its expertise in newborn screening and reproductive genomics testing.
Rahul Shah, Partner at Kotak Alt, emphasized that the investment reflects confidence in Neuberg’s growth trajectory. He stated that the funds would help the company scale operations and prepare for an initial public offering (IPO).
GSK Velu, Founder and MD of Neuberg, highlighted that the investment would enhance the company’s capabilities in personalized medicine and integrated diagnostics. He also noted that it would support inorganic growth across India, furthering Neuberg’s mission of expanding high-quality diagnostic services.
“As we prepare for an IPO, we remain committed to making diagnostics more accessible and improving healthcare outcomes,” Velu said.
With this investment, Neuberg aims to solidify its leadership in the diagnostics and genomics space while expanding its footprint and service offerings in India’s evolving healthcare landscape.