Actor and cancer survivor Mahima Chaudhry recently inaugurated SUNACT Cancer Institute, India's first chain of super-specialized cancer clinics featuring GMP Modular Units. The institute, located at Tieten Medicity Hospital in Thane, is led by renowned oncologists Professor Dr. Vijay Patil and Dr. Ashay Karpe. It offers allogeneic CAR-T Cell Therapy, a cutting-edge treatment that uses donor cells and is effective against solid-state tumors, which make up 99% of cancer cases. This therapy significantly reduces treatment time compared to the autologous version, which is primarily for blood cancers.
SUNACT Cancer Institute aims to advance cancer treatment in India with innovative research and personalized patient care. It provides various therapies, including CAR-T (both allogeneic and autologous), Stem Cell/Bone Marrow Transplants, Gamma Delta T-Cells, Gene Therapy (CRISPR and Gene Editing), Immunotherapy, and advanced chemotherapy.
Dr. Vijay Patil, SUNACT's founder, expressed his commitment to eradicating cancer and highlighted the institute's success in completing India's first allogeneic CAR-T cell therapy at a fraction of the cost compared to Western countries. This breakthrough is expected to save many lives.
Mahima Chaudhry praised the advancements in cancer treatment and expressed gratitude to the medical professionals for their selfless service. She congratulated the entire team for establishing and running the pioneering facility.
SUNACT Cancer Institute plans to open more specialized cancer centers across India, including locations in Mumbai, Delhi/NCR, Bangalore, Pune, Kolkata, and Chennai. By collaborating with international labs, SUNACT aims to provide advanced cancer treatments at affordable costs in underserved markets worldwide, including the Middle East, Africa, and South Asia.